The California Supreme Court has ruled that an employee does not waive his rights to a Labor Commiss
An agreement to arbitrate wage disputes can be enforceable so long as it provides an accessible and affordable process for resolving...
An ADA discrimination plaintiff must show that the adverse employment action would not have occurred
An employee plaintiff bringing a disability discrimination claim under 42 U.S.C. §12112 must show that an adverse employment action would...
To establish a viable disability discrimination claim an employee must show a causal connection betw
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has just held that even if a worker’s impairment can qualify as an impairment under the Americans with...
The California Supreme Court Holds that the nonpayment of wages does not support a claim of conversi
The California Supreme Court held this week that an employee cannot assert a conversion claim based on the nonpayment of wages. (See,...
USERRA requires that returning service members, on reemployment, be treated as though they did not h
The U.S. Department of Labor’s Veterans Employment and Training Services (VETS) has released a fact sheet to help employers better...
California Court of Appeals holds that on-duty meal breaks must be at least thirty minutes.
The Court of Appeals - First District - has ruled that Industrial Welfare Commission Wage Order No. 5 requires that an employer provide...