Top-rated attorney practicing in California

Catalyst Theory: The Impact on Employment and Labor Law
A plaintiff’s lawsuit is a catalyst under California Code of Civil Procedure §1021.5 if it induces the defendant to voluntarily provide...

California Courts: Emergency Rules related to COVID-19, approved by the Judicial Council and effecti
Emergency Rule 9. Toll the statutes of limitations for civil causes of action - Notwithstanding any other law, the statutes of limitation...

California's Unemployment Rate Stays at 3.9%
California’s unemployment rate held at the record low rate of 3.9% in December. According to the EDD, California also added 12,600...

The Ninth Circuit has affirmed a district court’s judgment awarding tens of millions of dollars in d
The Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has held that whether an employee deserves pay in California turns on whether the employer...

California’s Minimum Wage to Increase to $13 per Hour for Large Employers, $12 per Hour for Small Em
California’s minimum wage will increase on January 1 to $13 per hour for employers with 26 or more employees and $12 for employers with...

The California Department of Industrial Relations Issues Report Regarding On The Job Deaths In 2019
The Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) reports that 422 Californians died on the job in 2018. There were 422 fatal injuries on the...

Court of Appeal Issues Holding(s) On (Post Brinker) Employer Break Policies and Common Proof
The California Court of Appeals - Second District - has held that if an employer has a break policy that is compliant with the applicable...

The Court of Appeal Provides Clarification Regarding a Manager's Job Tasks and His/Her Status as
The California Court of Appeal - Second District - has clarified that a task does not become exempt merely because the manager undertakes...

A Precertification Class Action Settlement Must Be Looked At With A Higher Level of Scrutiny
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal has held that when the parties to a putative class action negotiate a settlement before a class has...